Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradation
发表时间:2020-12-28     阅读次数:     字体:【


Accurately predicting the lifetime of complex, nonlinear systems such as lithium-ion batteries is critical for accelerating technology development. However, diverse aging mechanisms, significant device variability and dynamic operating conditions have remained major challenges. We generate a comprehensive dataset consisting of 124 commercial lithium iron phosphate/graphite cells cycled under fast-charging conditions, with widely varying cycle lives ranging from 150 to 2,300 cycles. Using discharge voltage curves from early cycles yet to exhibit capacity degradation, we apply machine-learning tools to both predict and classify cells by cycle life. Our best models achieve 9.1% test error for quantitatively predicting cycle life using the first 100 cycles (exhibiting a median increase of 0.2% from initial capacity) and 4.9% test error using the first 5 cycles for classifying cycle life into two groups. This work highlights the promise of combining deliberate data generation with data-driven modelling to predict the behaviour of complex dynamical systems.


图1 High performance of features based on voltage curves from the first 100 cycles. a, Discharge capacity curves for 100th and 10th cycles for a representative cell. b, Difference of the discharge capacity curves as a function of voltage between the 100th and 10th cycles, ΔQ100-10(V), for 124 cells. c, Cycle life plotted as a function of the variance of ΔQ100-10(V) on a log–log axis, with a correlation coefficient of ?0.93.

图2 Observed and predicted cycle lives for several implementations of the feature-based model. a, ‘Variance’ model using only the log variance of ΔQ100-10(V). b, ‘Discharge’ model using six features based only on discharge cycle information, described in Supplementary Table 1. c, ‘Full’ model using the nine features described in Supplementary Table 1.


Kristen A. Severson,Peter M. Attia,Norman Jin,Nicholas Perkins,Benben Jiang,Zi Yang,Michael H. Chen,Muratahan Aykol,Patrick K. Herring,Dimitrios Fraggedakis,Martin Z. Bazant,Stephen J. Harris,William C. Chueh,Richard D. Braatz. Data-driven prediction of battery cycle life before capacity degradation[J]. Nature Energy,2019,4(5). (下载链接)


1. Liu,Aoife M. Foley,Alana Zülke,Maitane Berecibar,Elise Nanini-Maury,Joeri Van Mierlo,Harry E. Hoster. Data-driven health estimation and lifetime prediction of lithium-ion batteries: A review[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2019,113.下载链接

2. Cheng Chen,Rui Xiong,Ruixin Yang,Weixiang Shen,Fengchun Sun. State-of-charge estimation of lithium-ion battery using an improved neural network model and extended Kalman filter[J].(下载链接)

上一篇:Deep reinforcement learning-based energy management of hybrid battery systems in electric vehicles
下一篇:Closed-loop optimization of fast-charging protocols for batteries with machine learning
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